Create a spectacular Winter Garden

Winter gardens have become increasingly popular across the country, with our nearest RHS site, Hyde Hall Gardens having created a huge dazzling winter display recently.  To create a dramatic feel in your garden delighting even on the gloomiest of winter days, include some scented winter flowers, colourful stems, trees with ornamental bark and shrubs with round, shiny berries.  

Here to help you find inspiration is a selection of plants that we have in stock that are perfect for winter interest.

Please also use these links below to our most popular winter species where varieties change frequently and therefore not all the available products may appear within the images:

Bergenia, Cornus alba, Cornus sanguinea, Daphne, Hamamelis, Hedera, Helleborus, Mahonia

Related Product

Bergenia Diamond Drops (1lt)

Bergenia Diamond Drops (1lt)

Elephants ears. Clumps of lush, shiny, rounded green leaves that take on purple/red hues in winter. ..


Bergenia Eroica (1lt)

Bergenia Eroica (1lt)

Lush green foliage which turns to stunning shades of copper in the autumn. Bright pink flowers on re..


Bergenia Harzkristall (1lt)

Bergenia Harzkristall (1lt)

Glossy evergreen leaves. Strong red stained stems hold pretty white flowers with a hint of pink in s..


Betula utilis Jacquemontii (12lt multistem)

Betula utilis Jacquemontii (12lt multistem)

Dazzling, peeling white bark with dark green leaves that turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins..


Betula utilis jacquemontii Doorenbos (17.5lt)

Betula utilis jacquemontii Doorenbos (17.5lt)

Dazzling, peeling white bark with dark green leaves that turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown catkins..


Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Ellwood's Empire (3lt)

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Ellwood's Empire (3lt)

A neat growing conifer with silvery green foliage with golden variegation. Height and spread in 10 y..


Chimonanthus praecox (3lt)

Chimonanthus praecox (3lt)

Wintersweet. Vigorous shrub with fragrant flowers on bare branches in mid winter. Grows as a suckeri..


Clematis cirrhosa Jingle Bells (3lt)

Clematis cirrhosa Jingle Bells (3lt)

An evergreen clematis, flowering from mid-winter to early spring.Produces beautiful White flowers &n..


Clematis urophylla Winter Beauty (3lt)

Clematis urophylla Winter Beauty (3lt)

Evergreen climber with white bell-shaped flowers in winter. A welcome addition to the garden for win..


Cornus alba Aurea (3lt)

Cornus alba Aurea (3lt)

White flowers in May/June. Red stems in winter. Golden foliage all summer that turns a fabulous red ..


Cornus alba Baton Rouge (3lt)

Cornus alba Baton Rouge (3lt)

A select cultivar introduced in 2012. All season interest with striking bright red winter shoots. Wh..


Cornus sanguinea Anny's Winter Orange (5lt)

Cornus sanguinea Anny's Winter Orange (5lt)

A form of The Common Dogwood with bright orange-yellow and red stems in winter. Rich yellow autumn c..


Cornus sanguinea Midwinter Fire (3lt)

Cornus sanguinea Midwinter Fire (3lt)

A form of Dogwood with bright orange-yellow and red stems in winter. Rich yellow autumn colour. Heig..


Cotoneaster conspicuus (10lt)

Cotoneaster conspicuus (10lt)

Beautiful arching evergreen shrub growing to around 2m. Small deep green oval leaves. In late spring..


Cotoneaster prostratus Arnold Forster (10lt)

Cotoneaster prostratus Arnold Forster (10lt)

This is quite possibly another microspecies and has long been in cultivation, mostly erroneously as ..


Cotoneaster splendens (5lt)

Cotoneaster splendens (5lt)

Beautiful semi evergreen shrub to grow as a specimen or a hedge. Great for attracting birds and bees..


Cyclamen coum Ruby Star (9cm)

Cyclamen coum Ruby Star (9cm)

A lovely selection of Cyclamen coum with an array of different shaped and patterned leaves. Some poi..


Cyclamen hederifolium albiflorum Album (9cm)

Cyclamen hederifolium albiflorum Album (9cm)

Variable green or patterned, serrated edged leaves are broadly arrow shaped. Pure white delicate flo..


Eranthis hyemalis (9cm)

Eranthis hyemalis (9cm)

Winter aconite. Bright yellow flowers produced above bright green leaves. Height to around 8cm. Will..


Erica arborea Albert's Gold  (1lt)

Erica arborea Albert's Gold (1lt)

An outstanding tree heather with bright golden short neeedle foliage surrounding reddish brown stems..


Erica arborea Estrella Gold  (3lt)

Erica arborea Estrella Gold (3lt)

A choice selection of tree heather with golden foliage all year round. Branches adorned with thousan..


Erica arborea f. albiflora Polar Express (3lt)

Erica arborea f. albiflora Polar Express (3lt)

Upright bushy tree heather with soft textured green needle foliage. Grows to a medium sized shrub to..


Erica arborea f. aureifolia Golden Smile (3lt)

Erica arborea f. aureifolia Golden Smile (3lt)

Tree heather with bright golden short needle foliage surrounding reddish brown stems. Grows to a med..


Erica carnea Bells Extra Special (9cm)

Erica carnea Bells Extra Special (9cm)

Heather. Small compact dinstinctive whisky-coloured foliage with small pink heliotrope flowers that ..


Erica carnea f. alba Snowbelle (0.8lt)

Erica carnea f. alba Snowbelle (0.8lt)

Dark green, needle like foliage with upright racemes of pure white flowers with chocolate brown anth..


Erica carnea f. alba Springwood White (0.8lt)

Erica carnea f. alba Springwood White (0.8lt)

Dark green, needle like foliage with upright racemes of pure white flowers with chocolate brown anth..


Erica carnea Rosalie (0.8lt)

Erica carnea Rosalie (0.8lt)

Needle like deep green foliage makes an attractive evergreen clump to around 30cm x 40cm. From mid w..


Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta (3lt)

Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta (3lt)

A more compact version of the well known and award winning ebbingei and an ideal choice for a low he..


Elaeagnus x ebbingei Gilt Edge (3lt)

Elaeagnus x ebbingei Gilt Edge (3lt)

Superb evergreen shrub with dark green leaves edged and tipped with bold yellow/gold margins. Sweetl..


Euonymus japonicus Chollipo (5lt)

Euonymus japonicus Chollipo (5lt)

Lovely creamy yellow and green variegation on this evergreen shrub, suitable for any position and an..


Galanthus elwesii (9cm)

Galanthus elwesii (9cm)

Snowdrop. Large, delicate white  nodding flowers produced above narrow grey-green leaves. Elwes..


Galanthus ikariae (0.8lt)

Galanthus ikariae (0.8lt)

Snowdrop. Delicate white nodding flowers with tiny green marks are produced above broad glossy green..


Hamamelis mollis (3lt)

Hamamelis mollis (3lt)

Sweetly scented, yellow flowers with claret centre from January to March. Humus rich, neutral to aci..


Hamamelis x intermedia Arnold Promise (2lt)

Hamamelis x intermedia Arnold Promise (2lt)

A profusion of bright yellow scented flowers in early spring. One of the last varieties to flower. C..


Hedera helix Parsley Crested (2lt)

Hedera helix Parsley Crested (2lt)

Glossy deep green parsley crested leaves with lime green flowers in summer. Great for covering unsig..


Helleborus x hybridus Double Black (1lt)

Helleborus x hybridus Double Black (1lt)

Clump forming with large double black flowers above green leaves. Flowers from mid winter to mid spr..


Helleborus x hybridus Single White Blotched (1lt)

Helleborus x hybridus Single White Blotched (1lt)

Clump forming evergreen perennial with single white, blotched red centered flowers in winter and spr..


Heuchera Georgia Peach (1lt)

Heuchera Georgia Peach (1lt)

Rounded peachy orange leaves with silvery markings. Creamy white flowers produced in early summer. A..


Heuchera Indian Summer Boyesenberry (1lt)

Heuchera Indian Summer Boyesenberry (1lt)

Part of the Indian summer series. Superb crinkled copper to red coloured leaves maks attractive moun..


Heuchera Lime Marmalade (1lt)

Heuchera Lime Marmalade (1lt)

Wonderful limey coloured foliage, sprays of creamy flowers in early summer.  Any fertile soil i..


Heuchera Lime Marmalade (1lt)

Heuchera Lime Marmalade (1lt)

Wonderful limey coloured foliage, sprays of creamy flowers in early summer.  Any fertile soil i..


Heuchera Little Cutie 'Frost' (1lt)

Heuchera Little Cutie 'Frost' (1lt)

Little Cutie series are charming dwarf Heucheras with a height and spread to around 15cm x 20cm. Fro..


Heuchera Peach Flambe (1lt)

Heuchera Peach Flambe (1lt)

Crinkled red and peach coloured leaves with slender spikes of small white flowers in summer. Excelle..


Heuchera Sugar Frosting (1lt)

Heuchera Sugar Frosting (1lt)

Frosted metallic markings on matt-burgundy leaves. A superb tight habit. Creamy flower spikes in lat..


Heuchera Primo Wild Rose (1lt)

Heuchera Primo Wild Rose (1lt)

Primo Series. Semi-evergreen mound of pink-purple leaves with darker veins adding colour to a border..


Ilex aquifolium Argentea Marginata (3lt)

Ilex aquifolium Argentea Marginata (3lt)

Female silver variegated holly. An evergreen shrub with spiny, white margined, dark green leaves. In..


Ilex aquifolium Myrtifolia Aurea Maculata (3lt)

Ilex aquifolium Myrtifolia Aurea Maculata (3lt)

Holly. A handsome shrub with glossy prickly edged foliage attractively margined and splashed yellow...


Ilex x altaclarensis Golden King (3lt)

Ilex x altaclarensis Golden King (3lt)

Female form, bearing red berries in winter. Striking golden edged variegated leaves. Slow growing. A..


Jasminum nudiflorum (2lt)

Jasminum nudiflorum (2lt)

Winter flowering Jasmine. Clusters of bright yellow star shaped flowers are produced on naked archin..


Lonicera fragrantissima (3lt)

Lonicera fragrantissima (3lt)

Winter flowering honeysuckle. Sweetly scented creamy white flowers with prominent yellow anthers fro..


Mahonia oiwakensis (3lt)

Mahonia oiwakensis (3lt)

Long, dark green, pinnate leaves with spiny leaflets. Erect evergreen shrub used to dramatic effect ..


Mahonia oiwakensis subsp. lomariifolia (3lt)

Mahonia oiwakensis subsp. lomariifolia (3lt)

Long, dark green, pinnate leaves with spiny leaflets. This is one of the parents to many of the medi..


Mahonia x media Winter Sun (3lt)

Mahonia x media Winter Sun (3lt)

Erect racemes of richly scented yellow flowers in early spring above rosettes of large, handsome hol..


Mahonia x wagneri Fireflame (3lt)

Mahonia x wagneri Fireflame (3lt)

Upright evergreen shrub with dark green, toothed pinnate leaves that turn orange-red in winter. Mild..


Prunus serrula (12lt)

Prunus serrula (12lt)

One of the best small trees for winter interest with it's shining mahogany brown bark. Bark naturall..


Prunus serrula (17.5lt)

Prunus serrula (17.5lt)

One of the best small trees for winter interest with it's shining mahogany brown bark. Bark naturall..


Prunus x subhirtella Autumnalis Rosea (12lt)

Prunus x subhirtella Autumnalis Rosea (12lt)

Winter flowering cherry. Young leaves appear bronze, mature green then turn yellow in autumn. A spre..


Pyracantha coccinea Red Cushion (5lt)

Pyracantha coccinea Red Cushion (5lt)

This is a good ground cover plant, which has neat glossy foliage. The flowers are white in spring, t..


Sarcococca confusa (2lt)

Sarcococca confusa (2lt)

CHRISTMAS BOX. A dense, bushy shrub with glossy dark green foliage. Strongly scented white flowers i..


Skimmia japonica reevesiana (1.5lt)

Skimmia japonica reevesiana (1.5lt)

A hermaphrodite compact form of Skimmia with lanceolate glossy evergreen leaves. Mound forming habit..


Skimmia japonica Rubella (male) (2lt)

Skimmia japonica Rubella (male) (2lt)

Male form. Red buds from October to March look great through the winter and open in March to well sc..


Skimmia x confusa Kew Green (male) (2lt)

Skimmia x confusa Kew Green (male) (2lt)

Lovely evergreen shrub with shiny mid green leaves are complimented by sweetly scented white flowers..


Stachyurus praecox (3lt)

Stachyurus praecox (3lt)

Drooping racemes of pale yellow flowers hang from bare branches from late winter into spring. A valu..


Stachyurus praecox (3lt)

Stachyurus praecox (3lt)

Drooping racemes of pale yellow flowers hang from bare branches from late winter into spring. A valu..


Salix alba var. vitellina Nova (6lt)

Salix alba var. vitellina Nova (6lt)

Scarlet Willow. A spreading tree with orange-scarlet branches in winter. Nova is a much brighter ora..


Taxus baccata Renke's Kleiner Gruner (1lt)

Taxus baccata Renke's Kleiner Gruner (1lt)

This new dwarf green form of yew was found as a chance seedling by Renke zur Mühlen in 2001 and has ..


Thuja occidentalis Danica (3lt)

Thuja occidentalis Danica (3lt)

Slow growing rounded conifer with green foliage that turns a bronze colour when cold. Globes to arou..


Thuja occidentalis Sunkist (3lt)

Thuja occidentalis Sunkist (3lt)

Vibrant form of White Cedar. Show stopping evergreen frond-like sprays of yellow-green aromatic foli..


Thuja plicata Goldy (3lt)

Thuja plicata Goldy (3lt)

Golden form of Western Red Cedar. A superb form whose young foliage is a coppery gold. Great as a st..


Viburnum tinus Eve Price (2lt)

Viburnum tinus Eve Price (2lt)

A beautiful evergreen shrub with dark green leaves. Pink buds open to white flowers in clusters gene..


Viburnum tinus Gwenllian (3lt)

Viburnum tinus Gwenllian (3lt)

A robust evergreen shrub with dark green leaves. Clusters of dark pink/red buds open to white flower..


Viburnum tinus Spirit (Anvi) (3lt)

Viburnum tinus Spirit (Anvi) (3lt)

Bushy habit with huge flattened heads of small white flowers from pink buds, followed by dark blue b..
