Langthorns Loyalty Offers for August

Check out these awesome offers exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders during the fabulous month of August. . .

  • Gladiolus murielae (Acidanthera)

Peacock orchid. Very showy white flowers with burgundy brush strokes at the base of the petals. Sweetly scented nodding flowers appear from late summer into autumn and are great for cutting. Narrow sword shaped leaves. Fertile, free draining soil in sun is best. Height to 90cm. 

Now Only £4.50 per 1.5lt pot
Exclusively to Loyalty Card Holders

  • Aster Climax
Pale blue flowers on stout stems to 1.2m tall during autumn. Spread to around 50cm. Any soil in sun or part shade. Mildew free. Great for cut flowers and for adding height and colour to any border in late summer.

Now Only £3.50 (1.5lt pot) and £6 (3lt pot)
Exclusively to Loyalty Card Holders

  • Santolina chamaecyparissus
Compact and rounded evergreen shrub with finely dissected greyish green leaves and yellow flowers on tall stems. Prefers well-drained soil in full sun. Height and spread to around 50cm x 1m. This is an excellent plant to use as a low hedging plant. 

Now ONLY £5 per 2 litre pot
Offer exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders