Langthorns Loyalty Offers for September

Check out these fantastic offers exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders during the beautiful month of September. . .

  • Vitex agnus-castus Pink Pinnacle and Silver Spire and Vitex Chicagoland Blues

A vigorous shrub with an open habit and divided dark green leaves with flower spikes produced in abundance during late summer and autumn. 

Pink Pinnacle (pink spikes) and Silver Spire (white spikes) Height and spread to around 2m but can be kept much smaller by cutting back hard in spring. Always a talking point when in flower. Recommended.

Chicagoland Blues (Violet-blue spikes) - A cross between V. Rotundifolia and V. agnus-castus this is suited to smaller gardens with a height and spread to around 1.5m x 1.8m.  

Pink Pinnacle & Silver Spire - ONLY £11.20 per 3lt pot
Chicagoland Blues - ONLY £14.80 per 5lt pot
Exclusively to Loyalty Card Holders

  • Cotoneaster conspicuus, St. Andrews Blaze and lacteus F10419
Fantastic shrubs for all year round, providing evergreen structure and essential food and shelter for insects and birds with their flowers and fruits.

Cotoneaster conspicuus - Beautiful arching evergreen shrub growing to around 2m. Small deep green oval leaves. In late spring to early summer masses of star shaped white flowers cover the branches. Beloved by bees. These are followed by shiny orange red berries that the birds gobble up as it gets colder.  Excellent as a free standing shrub or as a low hedge.
Now ONLY £18 per 10 litre pot
Cotoneaster lacteus F10419 - This is the true species and very rare in cultivation. It has more rounded leaves and a slightly yellow inudendum to the undersides of the leaves. These are propagated from the George Forest introduced clone F10419, the type for this species. Heads of white flowers in June/July followed by clusters of red berries lasting well into winter.  Very usefull plant for evergreen hedging and screening or as a specimen shrub. Height & spread to around 3m. Any soil in sun or shade. Easy and rewarding.
Now ONLY £7 per 3 litre pot
Cotoneaster St. Andrews Blaze - Discovered by David West in 2014 and first offered for sale in 2017 this is a beautifull and smaller growing evergreen shrub most closely related to C.amoenus. Height and spread to around 1.5m and very easy to shape or hedge. Leaves are small, closely spaced, pretty and deep green with intensely silvery young shoots. In summer the branches are covered in deep pink buds that open to very pretty pink cup shaped flowers beloved by bees. These are followed by shiny red orange berries in autumn.  
Now ONLY £6.50 per 2 litre pot
All Offers exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders
  • Impatiens omeiana Pink Nerves
Unusual form with pink new leaves that thrives in a temperate climate provided that it is in part shade and kept reliably moist in free draining humus rich soil. Lanceolate serrated edged delicately variegated leaves have a strong white midrib. Slowly spreading by rhizomes. Clusters of peachy yellow flowers in late summer at the leaf axils. Height to around 30cm. Once an ideal spot has been found for this rare and exotic looking beauty little maintenance is required!
Now ONLY £6 per 1.5lt pot
Exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders