Jolly July Offers

Check out these jolly offers exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders during the fabulous month of July. . .

  • All 9cm strawberry plants now ONLY £1

There's nothing quite like home grown strawberries and you don't need a large garden either.  Easy to grow in pots, hanging baskets, wall mounted troughs or in raised borders, you can enjoy the superior taste of your home grown berries throughout summer. 

All 9cm Strawberries Now Only £1
Exclusively to Loyalty Card Holders

  • Deutzia scabra Codsall Pink, Deutzia gracilis Nikko and Deutzia pulchra
Smothered in pretty delicate flowers during May and June, Deutzia's are a magnet for bees and are wonderful additions to a mixed border. Very showy, hardy and easy to grow in any soil in sun or part shade. We have three varieties on offer including:
Deutzia  gracilis Nikko - This is a delightful dwarf version of gracilis with a height and spread to around 70cm x 1.5m. Finely toothed, broadly lanceolate green leaves turn smokey red in the autumn. In May-June the plant is covered in clusters of star shaped white flowers.  
Now ONLY £9.50 per 5 litre pot
Offer exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders
Deutzia pulchra - A pretty, upright shrub with arching branches and dark-green leaves, densely hairy. Masses of pendent, star-shaped pink-tinged, white flowers. Max Height 2.5m. Max Spread 2m. 
Now ONLY £9.50 per 5 litre pot
Offer exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders
Deutzia scabra Codsall Pink - A show stopping display of pink backed, double white flowers in early summer. Height and spread to around 2m. 
Now ONLY £7.50 per 3 litre pot
Offer exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders