Superb June Offers

Check out these superb offers for Loyalty Card Holders during the beautiful month of June. . .

  • Tulbaghia Silver Lace and Purple Eye

Delicate, pretty clustered heads of star shaped lilac pink flowers (Purple Eye having a deep purple center) from May to August above clumps of narrow grass-like delicately aromatic leaves (Silver Lace being variegated). Height and spread to around 40cm. Well drained soil in sun. Excellent in pots.

ONLY £4 per 1 litre pot
Exclusively to Loyalty Card Holders

  • Astilbe Bressingham Beauty
Fluffy-like plumes of pink flowers rise above glossy green ferny foliage with red/brown tinges from June to August. Height to around 80cm. Thrives in moist soil in part shade. Grows well with sedge grasses and candelabra primulas.

Now ONLY £5 per 2 litre pot
Offer exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders

  • Ligustrum rotundifolium
Compact evergreen shrub with smooth dark green leaves that are small, rounded and densely packed with curvy edges. Perfect for shrub borders, or useful as a small hedge or edging in a small garden. Height and spread slowly to around 1m x 1m.

Now ONLY £6 per 2 litre pot,
£12 per 5 litre pot and £18 per 10 litre pot
Offer exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders