Marvellous offers for May

Check out these fantastic offers for Loyalty Card Holders during the wonderful month of May. . .

  • Sanguisorba Pink Brushes, Albiflora and meneizeii

These striking hardy herbaceous perennials bear unusual nodding catkin-like flowers in white, pink, and plum red and look fantastic planted in mass with a long season of interest from April until September. 
The variety Pink Brushes produces rose-pink flowers with a height and spread to around 90cm x 60cm
Albiflora produces pure white flowers with a height and spread to around 60cm x 40cm
Meneizeii produces dark rusty red buds that open to bottlebrush reddish flowers with a height and spread to around 65cm x 45cm

3 plants for ONLY £12
Offer ENDS this Sunday

  • Euonymus europeus
Euonymus europaeus is a fantastic shrub to plant as a focal point in the garden, where its beauty can be appreciated. In autumn the foliage turns a vibrant shade of red, complementing the orange and pink winged fruit, which remain on the tree long after the leaves have fallen. From a distance, the mass of fruits create a spectacular  vision like spring blossom. During May and June, nectar-rich flowers appear, which are highly attractive to pollinating insects, also making it an excellent choice for a bee-friendly garden.

Now ONLY £6.50 per 3 litre pot
Offer exclusively for Loyalty Card Holders

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