Fantastic November Loyalty Offers

If you've been missing some vibrant colour and structure in your garden this time of the year, then look no further than our fantastic November Loyalty Offers . . . 

  • Colourful Chrysanthemums
Great for late season interest and cut flowers with masses of bright daisy like single or double flowers in September and October. Offer applies to Bronze Elegance, Carmine Blush, Cottage Apricot, Cousin Joan, Daniel Cooper, Duchess of Edinburgh, Early Yellow, Innocence, Mei-Kyo, Jessie Cooper, Perry's Peach and Pacificum, whilst stocks last. Hardy, reliable and easy to grow.

Only £3 for a 1 litre pot
EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders.

  • Viburnum opulus
This British native shrub provides a spectacular show of vivid fiery colours in autumn. Flat heads of heavily scented white flowers in May and June, followed by translucent red berries. An essential and beloved food source for garden birds. Height 10-12 feet. Any soil in a sunny position.

Only £6 per 3lt litre pot and £8.50 per 5lt pot . . . 
EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders.

  • Elaeagnus x ebbinei Viveleg
Striking gilt edged leaves make a statement from close up and at a distance and provide impressive evergreen structure and form to the garden in winter months. Sweetly scented small cream flowers hang from the stems in Autumn to early Winter. Similar to Gilt Edge but is all round a stronger plant. Height and spread 2m x 2m. Can be trimmed to shape in the spring.

Only £15 for a fabulous 5lt specimen
EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders.