Spring is on it's way and so is Valentine's Day!
The perfect gift is one that brings joy year after year, so treat your loved one to something uniquely exquisite.
Here are a few suggestions to get you in the mood.
Cercis (Judas tree with beautiful heart shaped leaves and spring blossom).
Spring Bulbs and Primula.
Daphne (with sweetly scented flowers).
Helleborus (beautiful long flowering evergreen perennials)
Camellia (with gorgeous showy flowers) The variety Cupido is perfect for a Valentine.
Rosa - we have many aptly named roses perfect for Valentine's as listed within the images below.
Prunus (delicate Ornamental Cherry Blossom and fruit trees).
Diosma with star shaped flowers (perfect for pots).
Clematis alpina, Clematis montana and Clematis armandii varieities
Langthorns Gift Voucher (a day out in the springtime to choose something special in person)
For more ideas, visit out page 'Plants for Spring Borders' or see the images below for specific.