October Loyalty Card Offers
  • Antirrhinum Eva Gray
This lovely variety of snapdragon produces masses of pretty pink flowers which stand out in fabulous contrast to its deep green foliage. Height and spread to around 45cm. Perfect to fill a gap at the front of a sunny border or for a splash of cheer in a pot nearby.  Looking fantastic now and perfect for a 'pick me up' treat!

Now 50% OFF Only £2.50 per 1.5lt pot.

. . . EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders, while stocks last!

Maximum 3 plants per cardholder.

  • Rhamnus alternus Argenteovariegata
Evergreens play such an important part in the garden throughout the year, providing structure and interest in winter months and a perfect backdrop for herbaceous plants to stand out against in the summer. This Rhamnus is no exception with its delicate looking creamy white edged leaves and red berries in autumn.  Good for a spot in sun or semi shade. Height and spread to around 3m.

Now 25% OFF
2lt (was £7.90) and 5lt (was £14.90) pots.

. . . EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders, while stocks last!
  • Stipa gigantea
This architectural wonder has huge flower heads, which turn from purple to harvest yellow and looks fantastic planted in drifts at the back of a border or just as a statement at the ends of a border. Height to around 1.2 - 1.8m and loves a sunny, well-drained border.

Now 25% OFF
  1lt (was £4.00) and 1.5lt (was £4.50) pots

. . . EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders, while stocks last!

Related Product

Rhamnus alternus Argenteovariegata (2lt)

Rhamnus alternus Argenteovariegata (2lt)

Glossy green leaves edged with creamy white. Red berries in autumn. Evergreen. Height to 10ft (3m). ..


Stipa gigantea (1.5lt)

Stipa gigantea (1.5lt)

Giant feather grass or giant oat. Huge flower heads purple turning to harvest yellow. 4-6Ft (1.2-1.8..
