September Loyalty Card Offer
Masses of large, daisy-like flowers perfect for wonderful displays in sunny, well-drained borders and in containers.  Height and spread approx 30 x 25cm. Half hardy, needing winter protection.

Only £2.00 per 1lt pot.

. . . EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders, while stocks last!

Majestic plant with rosettes of large, broadly ovate, hirsute leaves.  In it's second or third year it shoots up a flower spike to 3m tall, covered in thousands of flowers (pininiana - blue, Snow Tower - White, Pink Fountain - Pink). Loved by bees.  Short lived magnificent perennial that needs winter protection.  

Only £4 per 1.5lt pot

. . . EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders, while stocks last!

Bushy rounded shrub with glaucous green leaves and exquisite shocking magenta pink, butterfly-like flowers all summer.  Needs well drained soil in a sunny sheltered spot.  Fantastic as a pot grown specimen given winter protection when it flowers almost year round.  Highly recommended.  This plant is the result of a cross between Polygala myrtifolia and Polygala fruticosa.

Only £6 per 2lt pot

. . . EXCLUSIVELY to Loyalty Card Holders, while stocks last!

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