As the flush of summer colour starts to fade, the garden takes on a whole new look and late summer/early autumn perennials take centre stage. Here are just a few of the stars.
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Aster alpinus Pinkie (1lt)
A charming alpine aster with large yellow centred, pink rayed daisy flowers from early to mid summer..
Aster Autumn Jewels Aqua Compact (1lt)
Part of the Autumn Jewels series Aqua compact grow to a height and spread to around 35cm x 30cm. Clu..
Aster Autumn Jewels Rose Quartz (2lt)
Part of the Autumn Jewels series Rose Quartz has a compact habit reaching a height and spread to aro..
Aster novae-angliae Autumn Snow (2lt)
Strong and tall, bearing quantities of white flowers with yellow centres 3" across in autumn. Height..
Aster novae-angliae Harrington's Pink (1lt)
Clump forming perennial with lush green leaves through spring and summer. Stout flower stems to 1.2m..
Aster novi-belgii Alice Haslem (1lt)
Compact variety with bushy growth to around 25cm tall and spread of 45cm. Rosy red flowers with yell..
Aster novi-belgii Apollo (1lt)
Exploding into flower in autumn when most other plants are starting to fade forming a neat mound smo..
Aster novi-belgii Chatterbox (1lt)
Clump forming deciduous perennial with daisy like pale pink , yellow centered flowers during autumn...
Aster novi-belgii Climax (3lt)
Pale blue flowers on stout stems to 1.2m tall during autumn. Spread to around 50cm. Any soil in sun ..
Aster novi-belgii Lady in Blue (1lt)
(Michaelmas daisy). Vigorous clump forming deciduous perennial with daisy like lavander , yellow cen..
Aster novi-belgii Snow Cushion (1lt)
A compact, mound-forming perennial with narrow, green leaves and clusters of white daisy-like flower..
Rudbeckia fulgida deamii (1lt)
Black eyed Susan. Clump forming with mid green leaves and orange-yellow flowers with a black centre ..
Rudbeckia fulgida Viette's Little Suzy (1lt)
New and compact Rudbeckia with large yellow daisy flowers with a black center from en..
Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida (1lt)
Clump forming perennial with large daisy yellow, black centred flowers late summer and mid autumn. G..
Rudbeckia hirta Autumn Colours (1lt)
An upright, branching, bristly biennial or short-lived perennial, with ovate, veined, dark green lea..
Rudbeckia hirta Cappuccino (1lt)
Huge orange-red flowers reach 4" across and are so numerous they blanket the foliage. Flowers just k..
Rudbeckia hirta Prarie Sun (1lt)
Spectacular huge yellow daisy like flowers from mid summer until October. Grow in any fertile soil i..
Tricyrtis formosana Pink Freckles (1lt)
(TOAD LILY). Lilac to white star shaped flowers with deep burgundy spots on the petals. A compact an..
Anemone hupehensis japonica Pamina (1lt)
Large deep pink, cup shaped flowers in late Summer/Autumn above deeply cut dark green leaves. Forms ..
Anemone x hybrida Honorine Jobert (1lt)
White flowers with yellow centres dance freely ion the wind in September and October. Height to arou..
Anemone x hybrida Konigin Charlotte (1lt)
Semi double rose pink flowers appear in late Summer. Moist fertile soil in sun or part shade. Height..
Helianthus maximilani (2lt)
Golden yellow daisy flowers in late summer top, strong, upright stems to 3m tall and contrast well a..
Helenium Autumnale Helena Gold
Golden yellow daisy like flowers produced on tall stems in summer. Any moist well drained fertile so..
Helenium Autumnale Helena Red (1lt)
Red flowered sneezeweed. Rich red, daisy like flowers with a darker central boss produced on tall st..
Helenium Moerheim Beauty (1lt)
Rich bronzey/crimson red flowers from June to Sept. Height and spread to around 90cm x 60cm. S..
Helenium Pumilum Magnificum (1lt)
Also known as sneezeweed. Very hardy erect perennial Produces yellow flowers with yellow-brown centr..
Chrysanthemum Cousin Joan (3lt)
Intense ruby red flowers with a pronounced yellow central boss and a strong Chrysanthemum scent from..
Chrysanthemum Mrs Jessie Cooper (3lt)
Award winning variety with deep, clear pink, almost red flowers with yellow centres from September t..
Chrysanthemum pacificum (1lt)
This species forms a bushy mound of lobed green leaves, attractively edged with silver, remaining at..
Chrysanthemum Perry's Peach (3lt)
Semi-doulbe rich peach coloured flowers with yellow centres from September to November. Hardy and ea..
Gaura lindheimeri Cherry Brandy (Oenothera) (1lt)
Bushy clump forming. Slender stems of star shaped pink flowers produced above dark green leaves.Flow..
Gaura lindheimeri Corrie's Gold (Oenothera) (1lt)
Bushy clump forming. Slender stems of star shaped white flowers, that fade pink, produced above gold..
Gaura lindheimeri Rosyjane (Oenothera) (1lt)
Rosyjane is the first bicoloured Gaura and has white flowers edged pinky red. A very pretty selectio..
Gaura lindheimeri Summer Breeze (Oenothera) (1lt)
Bushy deciduous perennial with star shaped white flowers late spring, summer and early autumn. Grow ..
Kniphofia Papaya Popsicle (1lt)
Long-lasting gold/red poker flowers from June to October. From the refreshing new Popsicle Series of..
Penstemon Alice Hindley (1lt)
Semi-evergreen perennial with large bell shaped pale blue , white centered flowers during summer. Gr..
Penstemon Pheonix Red (1lt)
Large leaves form a bushy perennial. Tubular vivid red flowers with white throats from June until No..
Penstemon Sour Grapes (1lt)
Clump forming semi-evergreen perennial with bell shaped lavander flowers during summer. Grow in sand..
Persicaria amplexicaulis Blackfield (3lt)
Black tipped buds open to dusky scarlet flowers over a long period through summer. Bushy growth with..
Verbena hastata (1lt)
Upright clump forming deciduous perennial with small spikes of blue flowers summer to early autumn. ..