Best Sellers
This new dwarf green form of yew was found as a chance seedling by Renke zur Mühlen in 2001 and has proved to be bushy and slow growing, responding very well to pruning and ideal for low hedges. A gre..
Scented deep purple flowers from July to September. Height to 60cm. Grey, green leaved evergreen. Prune back by 1/3rd after flowering to prevent the shrub becoming leggy.Well drained soil in sun. ..
Lush two tone palmate green leaves form beautiful mounds. Masses of violet-blue flowers with a white center are borne over a long period from June to November. Height to 2ft (60cms). Cut back in Ju..
New Additions
Silk-tassel Bush. An strong growing evergreen shrub with dark, sea-green leaves reaching a height and spread to around 4m. Attractive clusters of long silver-grey male catkins from mid-winter into ..
The chocolate vine with vanilla scented maroon flowers in April and May. A twining and unusual climber. Sometimes has rather showy bluepurple fruits the shape of mini baguettes. When ripe they pop ..
A beautifully crested form of the Male Fern. Graceful arching fronds of crisped green. Symmetrical crown with crested tips. Height to around 1m (3ft). Grows best in a humus rich soil in dappled sha..