A thicket-forming shrub with arching, orange-brown stems. Sharply toothed, mid-green leaves, turn orange and yellow in autumn. Clusters of greenish white flowers from early to mid-summer. Unusual s...
Taiwanese Snowbell tree. White, fragrant, star shaped flowers hang from the branches in early summer. A rare and beautiful small tree requiring fertile, lime free soil in sun or light shade. Makes a g...
pretty weeping small tree with a height and spread to around 5m x 4m.
Pendulous branches are cloaked with glossy mid/dark green leaves that turn
yellow in autumn. Scented white snowbell...
pretty weeping small tree with a height and spread to around 5m x 4m.
Pendulous branches are cloaked with glossy mid/dark green leaves that turn
yellow in autumn. Scented white snowbell...
A large graceful shrub or small tree. Wide spreading branches often drooping with glossy mid/dark green leaves. Pretty delicate pink snowbell flowers hang in clusters from the branches in June-...
Layers of dark green leaves form a dense shrub. White flowers are followed by spherical pink fruit in October. Height and spread to around 3m. Excellent for hedging or bank binding on poor soils.
A very compact, upright form growing to a rounded bush up to 90cm. Very pretty serrated green leaves. Small white flowers are followed by dark pink berries through the Autumn into winter. Good in b...
Snowberry. Forms a thicket with arching stems and dark green leaves. Small bell shaped flowers beloved by bees for their rich source of nectar are followed by balls of mother of pearl coloure...
Dwarf lilac, growing to a max. 1.5m tall by 1.5m wide. Covered in scented purple pink flowers in late spring. Unlike other lilacs this one reblooms through the summer if dead headed! Any good soil ...